The emergency service in this area is run by GotoDoc and is staffed with local GP and nurses from Greater Manchester.
GotoDoc offers phone advice, appointments at the GP Centre in Wythenshawe Forum or at Manchester Royal Infirmary, and if necessary, will provide home visits. All details of any out of hours consultations are communicated back to your own GP so that they are aware of the situation.
To contact a doctor when the surgery is closed please still use the surgery numbers 0161 498 8484 or 0161 980 4510 and your call will be re-directed.
Please do not attend the emergency centres without phoning first. In the interest of patients all telephone conversations are recorded. These recordings are strictly confidential in the same way as written medical records.
If your call is not re-directed after phoning the surgery telephone number it would then be appropriate to phone GotoDoc on 0161 – 336 – 5958.
NHS Direct
You should use the NHS 111 call service or use this link NHS 111 if you urgently need medical help or advice but you don’t think its a life-threatening situation. Call 111 if:
A triage nurse will assess your situation and take appropriate action. This could simply be by offering advice or where necessary by making arrangements for you to be seen by a doctor.
Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.